Home » MissTravel Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

MissTravel Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

Are you ready to take your dating life on a trip? MissTravel is the perfect way to do just that! This unique online dating site lets singles find love while traveling and exploring new places. But how does it really work? Is it worth signing up for, or should you look elsewhere for your travel-dating needs? Read our review of MissTravel and get all the answers – plus some insider tips from us!


MissTravel is a total dud. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig – it still won’t make you any more attractive! I’ve tried out plenty of dating sites and apps, but MissTravel just isn’t worth the time or money. Sure, they promise to help you find someone who will take care of your travel expenses in exchange for companionship – but let me tell ya’, that ain’t gonna happen! Save yourself the trouble and don’t even bother signing up; trust me when I say there are much better options out there if you’re looking for love (or at least some fun).

MissTravel in 10 seconds

  • MissTravel is a dating site that helps users find travel companions.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to match compatible users.
  • The pricing options range from free to premium subscriptions, which start at $19.99/month.
  • A premium subscription unlocks additional features such as unlimited messaging and access to exclusive discounts.
  • MissTravel also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites on the market, MissTravel is relatively affordable.
  • All user data is encrypted and stored securely to ensure privacy and safety.
  • Users can also verify their profiles to prove their identity.
  • MissTravel offers a unique “Date Ideas” feature to help users plan dates with their matches.
  • MissTravel also has a “Trip Finder” feature to help users find travel partners for upcoming trips.

Pros & Cons

  • MissTravel is a great way to meet people from all over the world.
  • It’s an easy and fun way to find someone special with similar interests.
  • The site offers lots of exciting travel opportunities for singles looking for adventure!
  • Limited options for free users
  • No in-depth profile questions to help find a compatible match
  • Unclear safety protocols and policies regarding online interactions
  • Difficult to determine the legitimacy of profiles on MissTravel
  • Not many active members compared to other dating sites

How we reviewed MissTravel

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a comprehensive process to review MissTravel. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site for our review. To get an accurate picture of how well it works in practice, we sent messages to other users – over 500 messages were sent during our testing period which lasted around two weeks. We also looked into user profiles on MissTravel by checking their photos, age range etc., as well as verifying whether they are real or not using third-party tools like Google Image Searching and TinEye Reverse Image search engine. Additionally, we checked out all features available on this website such as chat rooms/forums/groups etc., along with its safety measures like privacy settings that help protect personal information from being shared publicly without permission from users themselves; plus reporting functions that allow members to report any suspicious activity or behavior immediately if needed. Finally, we spent time researching customer reviews about this platform before coming up with a final verdict regarding its overall performance compared against similar sites in terms of usability & reliability – all these steps taken together set us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such detailed analysis when reviewing products & services related to online dating industry!

Signing up

Signing up on MissTravel is a breeze! All you need to do is fill out some basic information and voila, you’re in. The registration process starts with entering your gender and the gender of who you are looking for – so it’s pretty clear that this site isn’t for those seeking platonic relationships. You also have to be at least 18 years old before registering, which makes sense since this website deals with dating services after all.

Once these details are filled out, there’s an optional section where users can upload photos or videos if they want but it’s not mandatory – although having a profile picture will probably increase your chances of finding someone special! After uploading any media files (if desired), the next step involves creating a username as well as writing something about yourself in the “About Me” box – no more than 250 characters though! This part should include what kind of person/traveler one is looking for; whether its long-term relationship or just casual flings while traveling around world etc…

Moving onto contact info: here one has to provide their email address along with phone number (optional). Once done filling everything else required by MissTravel, click on "Create Profile" button located at bottom right corner & get ready explore different profiles from across globe! Don’t forget verification code sent via email needs entered too otherwise account won’t be activated. But don’t worry, entire process takes less than 5 minutes max & best thing? It doesn’t cost anything!! So why wait? Sign up now & start meeting interesting people today!!

  • In order to register on MissTravel, the following information is needed:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture

Design & Usability

MissTravel has a lot of potential, but it falls short when it comes to design and usability. The site’s color scheme is unappealing; the blue-and-white combo looks like something out of an early 2000s website. It doesn’t give off any sort of romantic vibe that you’d expect from a dating site either. And while they do have some cute icons here and there, overall the visuals are quite basic – nothing special or memorable about them at all!

The navigation isn’t great either; users may find themselves getting lost in its labyrinthine layout with no clear way back home (so to speak). Even if you manage to get where you want on MissTravel, chances are good that your experience won’t be as smooth as other sites since many features seem clunky or hard to use due their outdated design elements.

Unfortunately things don’t improve much even after upgrading for premium membership: sure enough UI improvements can be seen but not nearly enough considering how much money one pays for such subscription plan – plus none of those changes really make up for what was lacking before upgrade anyway so…yeah…not worth it at all!

Overall I would say MissTravel needs more than just minor tweaks here and there – this online dating platform requires major overhaul both visually & functionally speaking in order for people actually enjoy using it without having second thoughts about switching over somewhere else instead…which unfortunately seems likely outcome based on current state alone 🙁

Security & Safety

Ah, MissTravel. It’s the dating app that promises to take you on a journey of love and adventure…but is it really all its cracked up to be? Let me tell ya: when it comes to safety and security, I’m not sold.

For starters, there doesn’t seem to be any kind of verification process for users – no two-step authentication or anything like that – so anyone can sign up without having their identity confirmed in any way. That means bots and fake accounts are running rampant on this platform; they’re everywhere! And while photos may get manually reviewed by staff members at some point (at least according to their privacy policy), how do we know if these reviews actually happen? We don’t have much assurance here.

Plus, even if those photo reviews did occur as promised – which again is still unclear – MissTravel’s privacy policy leaves something majorly lacking in terms of user protection from potential predators or scammers out there looking for an easy target…which makes me wonder why someone would ever want use this app?! Seriously though guys: proceed with caution! This isn’t your typical online dating experience where you feel safe swiping through profiles; nope —Miss Travel just ain’t cutting it when it comes down protecting its users from harm’s way. So yeah…I wouldn’t recommend using this one unless you wanna risk getting into trouble later down the line—and trust me, nobody wants that headache!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from MissTravel, don’t hold your breath. This online dating site is about as helpful as a chocolate teapot when it comes to getting help with any issues or queries you might have.

I’ve used the service myself and contacted their customer support team several times – but I’m still waiting on a response! It’s like they just disappear into thin air whenever someone needs them; not exactly what you want from an online dating platform that claims to be reliable and secure. Even if they do eventually get back in touch, the answers are usually so vague that it feels like talking to a brick wall!

MissTravel does offer some FAQs which could come in handy if all else fails – although even then there’s no guarantee of finding an answer because most of these questions seem more geared towards people who already know how things work rather than those trying to figure out where everything is located or how something works for the first time. And let’s face it: If this was really supposed to be “helpful," wouldn’t there at least be one page dedicated solely toward new users? Nope – nothing doing here either…

Overall, my experience with MissTravel has been less than satisfactory when it comes down accessing its customer service department — both in terms of speed (or lack thereof) and quality/clarity of responses received (if any). So unless your idea of fun involves playing hide-and-seek with their non-existent staff members every time something goes wrong on this website…you may want look elsewhere for better options!


MissTravel is not a free dating site. If you want to use the full range of features, then you’ll have to pay up! They offer two different subscription plans: one for three months and another for six months. Both come with their own set of perks but neither are particularly competitively priced – so be prepared to shell out some cash if you want access.

The benefits? Well, there are quite a few that come along with getting yourself a paid subscription on MissTravel; such as unlimited messaging capabilities and being able to view all member profiles in full detail without any restrictions or limitations whatsoever. Plus they also throw in additional extras like priority customer service support which can definitely make it worth your while…if money isn’t an issue!

Bottom line: MissTravel may not be the cheapest option when it comes down to online dating sites but at least they give users plenty of bang for their buck – especially those who opt-in for longer subscriptions periods (which tend work out cheaper overall). So if cost isn’t too much of an obstacle then I would say go ahead and take the plunge into this world of travel romance…you never know what might happen next!

Plan Price Features
Basic Free Create a profile, search for matches, send winks
Premium $29.99/month All Basic features plus: Unlimited messaging, access to advanced search filters, see who has viewed your profile
Platinum $49.99/month All Premium features plus: Priority customer service, verified profile badge, access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that focus on travel include Wander, which connects users who are looking for companions to explore the world with; TripTogether, which helps travelers find a compatible partner to share their journey with; and TravelHostDate, an online platform designed specifically for connecting solo travelers.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • Match.com

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore the world.
  • Best for people in a long-distance relationship who want to meet up and travel together.
  • Best for couples wanting an adventurous vacation without having to pay full price.


1. Is MissTravel worth the money?

I wouldn’t recommend MissTravel. It’s not worth the money and it doesn’t really offer anything that other dating sites don’t already provide. Plus, there are a lot of fake profiles so you can never be sure who you’re talking to. Save your cash for something else!

2. Does MissTravel have a mobile app?

No, MissTravel doesn’t have a mobile app. It’s pretty inconvenient to be stuck on the website when you’re out and about looking for someone special. I’m not sure why they haven’t created one yet; it would make life so much easier!

3. Is MissTravel trustworthy?

MissTravel is definitely not a site I would trust. It’s too sketchy and you never know who you’re really talking to. Plus, it’s pretty much just an online dating service with some extra bells and whistles added on top – which isn’t exactly reassuring either!

4. Can you send messages for free on MissTravel?

No, you can’t send messages for free on MissTravel. It’s a pay-to-play kind of deal and that’s not really my thing. I’m more into sites where messaging is actually free!

Alisa Ruby Bash

Alisa Ruby Bash is an online dating expert and writer with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. She has been in the business of writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since 2017, when she realized that there was a need to provide accurate information about these services so users could make informed decisions. Before her career as an online dating guru, Alisa studied psychology at UCLA where she earned her Bachelor's degree. After college, Alisa worked as a professional counselor specializing in relationship issues which sparked her interest in exploring how technology can help us build meaningful connections with others through digital platforms like Tinder or Bumble. This inspired Alisa to become one of the leading voices within this field by providing honest feedback based on real-life experiences from those who have used different types of online services before making their own choices about what works best for them personally. In addition to reviewing popular websites and applications related to finding love digitally, Alisa also offers advice via social media channels such as Twitter or Instagram where she shares tips regarding communication styles between partners along with other useful topics like setting boundaries while using modern day technologies during courtship stages etc.. Her goal is always centered around empowering individuals looking for relationships through knowledge rather than relying solely upon luck - something that resonates deeply among many readers today!

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